Presentation Guideline Page


The following page provides a general outline of subject areas that are expected to be addressed during a company presentation to the Acorn Angels.  Please treat this guideline as the minimum requirement for your company's informational presentation.


d  Team

       h   Brief history
h  Work/Educational experience
h  Description of non-presenting members
h  Briefly explain the relationship between members of the team (ie. how did you come
            to meet/work together?) 


d   Product/Service

     h    Brief introduction of target market
h  Is this a disruptive technology?
h    Explain the superiority/advantages of the product/service in relation to the market
h    Identify major competitors
h    Describe barriers to entry
h    Have patents been filed?


d  Market

     h    Description/layout of business model
h    Marketing strategy
h    Exit strategies (ie. partnerships, acquisition, merger?)


d  Financials

     h    What level of funding is needed?
h    How much funding is sought?